![]() 1. ALLAH Says:- “Why not a contingent from every group go forth to devote themselves to studies in religion, and warn people when they return to them that thus they may guard themselves(against evil) (Ch. 9 Tauba V. 122) 2. A man asked the Prophet(SAW) about the best of actions, the Prophet replied “have knowledge with the help of ALLAH, think and reflect on religious matters. The Prophet said it twice. The man said, ‘knowledge will benefit you even if actions are less while ignorance will not benefit even if actions are more in quantity. (Tambeehul Khawatir P.66) 3. Imam-e-Musa Kazim said:- “You think and reflect on the facts of ALLAH’S religion; Thinking is the key of enlightenment and it is all worship and a means of attaining high ranks in this world and the world hereafter. The rank and merit of a religious expert is higher than a worshipper just as the Sun is brighter than the stars. Those who do not reason and think in religion, ALLAH is not pleased with their action. (Beharul Anwar) |