Birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad and Imam Jafar Sadiq being celebrated from tonight.
Shia Muslims celebrate Eid Miladul Nabi and Milad of Imam Jafar Sadiq on 17th Rabiul Awwal as per Islamic lunar calendar.
Birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad and Imam Jafar Sadiq However, they began celebrating the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohamad (PBUH) from 12th Rabiul Awwal under Muslim Unity Week.
In Pakistan, Shia neighbourhood illuminate to mark celebrations.
Specially, jubilant youth and children wear new clothes and use perfumes to celebrate the day like Eid.
Shia Islamic scholars highlight holy life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) during their speeches on the occasion.
Moreover, Shia naat khwan recite naat and manqabat (poetry) to pay tributes and homage to God’s last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS). The celebrations have begun from tonight (Tuesday).
However, people are observing safety measures under SOPs to save them from pandemic. Rabiul Awwal is a month that prove unity of Sunni and Shia Muslims due to their joint celebrations.
As part of the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAWW) celebrations, the government has decided to observe Ishq-e-Rasool (SAAW) Week.
Shia Islamic parties also host events to celebrate Eid Milad ul Nabi (PBUH) under Hafta Wahdat-e-Muslimeen or Muslim Unity week.