All Praises are for ALLAH (S.W.T.) the Sustainer of the Universes, and ALLAH’s Blessings are on Holy Prophet (Muhammad S.A.W.W.) and his progeny.Â
ALLAH (S.W.T.) has rightly said as follows:Â
ثّم كاَن عاقبة اّلذيَن أساؤااّسوَء أن كّذبوا با آيات الله َوكانو به َيستهزؤن MEANING: “ Then worst became the result of those people who had acted with malice (evil), had falsified the signs of ALLAH S.W.T. and were doing mockery of them.â€Â
Oh Yazeed! After your having closed all the venues of the land on us and after having restrained the atmosphere of the skies on us to the extent that you have imprisoned the highly sanctified ladies of the House of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. and further tried to ruin them by entrailing them from regions to regions and country to country because you assumed that by doing so in the eyes of ALLAH S.W.T. we have been humiliated and you are liked by HIM?Â
And are you assuming that this tyranny of yours that you have imposed on us has made you achieve honour and status in the Royal Court of ALLAH S.W.T.? And due to this bad assumption you are looking here and there, left and right, with great arrogance, moving your shoulders with pleasure and are rejoicing and feeling delighted that you have found this world evenly set for yourself and you have properly arranged and disposed your plans of work and you have been able to usurp our possessions, property and dominion.Â
Don’t haste! Don’t haste! Did you discard the fact that ALLAH S.W.T. says in the Holy Quraan (Sura-e-Aale Imraan, Chapter 3, Verse 178 )Â
َولا ÙŠØسبّن اّلذيَن ÙŽÙƒÙŽÙروا أّنما نملى لهم َخير Ù„ أنÙسهم اّنما نملى ليزدادوا أثمً وَلَهم عَذاب ّمهين MEANING: “Let not those who disbelieve think that our giving them respite is good for their selves; WE only give respite to them that they may increase in sins, and for them is a disgraceful chastisement.â€Â
O son of freed slave! Is this your justice that you have kept your conmen and slave girls ( see note1) properly protected in veils and behind curtains, and after making captives the daughters of the HOLY PRPHET S.A.W.W. you have rended their veils uncovering their heads and faces and exposed them in public and have endeavoured to vanish their dignity?Â
The enemies have entrailed them from city to city. People are looking at their faces and people from far and near, noble and cowardly, are staring at their cheeks. The additional calamity over these highly distressed high calibre ladies is that they do not have any male to help them who possesses such rights.
And what contemplation could be expected and how from the person whose grand parent has chewed the liver of the noble person ( Yazeed’s grand mother chewed the liver of Janabe Hamza) and whose flesh and bones have been developed by the blood of martyrs! Then why such situation may not arise! The one who looks at us with enemity and hatred, what concession will he do in meting out fiercest enemity on us!Â
O Yazeed, on top of all these tyrannies, you are, without considering the severe wickedness of your actions and the sin, remembering your father and forefathers and are saying….(to them)Â
لآ هَلّوا واَستَهَلّو ا ÙَرØاً ثمَّ قاَلوا يا يَزيد لآ تشلّ Ù‘Â MEANING: “ You would have jumped up near me with joy and would have said with excitement that - O Yazeed, your hand should not paralyse.â€â€¦..Â
………despite the fact that you are acting insultively with the teeth of THE COMMANDER OF THE YOUTHS OF PARADISE – ABU ABDILLAH HUSAIN IBN ALI A.S..Â
O Yazeed, why you should not be happy and utter such words from your mouth since you have crusted off and deepened the wounds and have cruelly shed the blood of and assassinated the HOLY PROGENY OF THE HOLY PROPHET S.A.W.W. –the heavenly constellation of the earth from the dynasty of Abdul Muttalib, and on such a vicious success you are calling your ancestors. Therefore behold that in the very near future you will join them and at that time you will desire that you may not have had your hands and your tongue in this world so that you should not have done whatever you have performed and you should not have uttered whatever you have.Â
(After that JANABE ZAINAB A.S. raised her face towards the sky and said:)Â
Note 1. On the day of victory of Mecca by the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W., Abu Sufyaan and his son Muaawiya (among others) who were fighting against the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. were taken slaves of the war. Then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. freed them saying:
اذهضبوا Ùَاَنتم الطّلقاء MEANING: Go, you are freed slaves.Â
SECONDLYÂ the whole clan of Bani Umayya were clan of slave- since Umayya was the slave of Abdushshams who had no children so upon death of Abdushshams, Umayys the slave took over the whole property etc of Abdushshams.Â
O Yazeed, By God, whatever tyranny you have meted out , you have done it on yourself; you have cut your own skin and have intersected nothing but your own flesh. You will be brought before the HOLY PROPHET S.A.W.W. as a criminal because you have shed blood of his Holy Progeny and have damaged the honour and respect of his family and the pearls of his bosom.Â
Then ALLAH will remove their problems and will change their dispursement into tranquillity and unite them and will take revenge from the tyrants.Â
You never assume that the martyrs in the way of ALLAH S.W.T. are dead; on the contrary they are alive and are bestowed from their CREATOR with various types of sustenance.Â
And JUSTICE OF ALLAH S.W.T., THE HOLY PROHET’s being claimant against you and Jibreel being a helper of the HOLY PROGENY in claiming vengence against you are enough for your punishment.Â
In the very near future the person who had established the stretch of dominion of violence for you and conferred you power over the necks of Muslims shall very soon realise that the punishment of the tyrants is worse and their party is the weakest and what a worst place is for you.Â
Although calamities have compelled me to speak to you and address you in such an audacious manner that you will impose tyranny on me, yet I consider you as a disgraceful (contemptious) only, and shall continue to consider you as such. And the violent tumult with which you act with us and your rejoicing at our condition I consider as a very great crime and shall continue to consider as such.Â
It is very much regrettable that the eyes are crying and the bosoms are burning with fire of grief.Â
It is very much surprising that the party of THE MERCIFUL GOD has become murdered (martyred) by the hand of the army of Shaitaan (devil). Our blood is still dripping from the hands of our enemies and the moisture of our flesh is still flowing from their mouths.Â
The beasts of the forest are encircling around these sanctified holy bodies.Â
O Yazeed! if you have today obtained booty by destroying us, then tomorrow on the Day of Judgement you will be in a great loss when you will not observe anything there except your bad deeds.Â
God does not mete out injustice over HIS creations. I am complaining to ALLAH only and have confidence in HIM.Â
O Yazeed! go on doing obstinacy and fraud as much as you like and do not leave your wicked endeavours and make tyranny your main aim but, By God, you will never be able to eliminate our glorious memory from the surface of the universe and will not be able to destroy our message, nor the curse and disgrace of yours for this incident can be wiped off from you.Â
Your view is faulty and the days of your life are countable and your treasure on that day will be nothing except extreme distress, calamity and suffering on the day when the proclaimer will proclaim that CURSE OF ALLAH BE ON TYRANTS.Â
I Pray to ALLAH S.W.T. to consummate the reward of our martyrs and increase their recompense, and bestow beneficence on the remaining of us in improving circumstances. HE is THE COMPASSIONATE AND THE LOVING; and ALLAH S.W.T. is Sufficient for us and AFFLUENT CURATOR.Â
NOTE 2.Although the above mentioned translation has been made carefully from Arabic text, yet, despite efforts, it has not been possible to convey the extent of sagacity and perception of the actual expressions of the high calibre Holy Lady nor reach the wide spectrum of the depth of their meanings.Â